1. Organized and presented an invited tutorial on "Making Decisions by Using Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Performance: A Critical Overview" during the INFORMS Fall '95 National Meeting in New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.

  2. Organized and chaired an invited Panel Discussion on "Deciding on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: Parts I and II" during the INFORMS Fall '95 National Meeting in New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1, 1995. Panelists were the professors: Ronald A. Howard (Stanford University), Charles Harvey (University of Houston), Ernest Forman (George Washington University), Jack Elzinga (University of Florida), and Luis Vargas (University of Pittsburgh).

  3. Organized and chaired an invited session on "Boolean Functions: Learning and Classification," during the INFORMS (former ORSA/TIMS) National Meeting in New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.

  4. Organized and chaired an invited session on "Topics in Decision Making," during the INFORMS (former ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.

  5. Organized and chaired an invited session on "AI/Logic and Optimization," during the Operations Research/Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, October 31- November 3, 1993.

  6. Organized and chaired a invited session (by the ORSA/AI Technical Section) on "Decision Making," during the Operations Research/Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, May 16-19, 1993.

  7. Organized and chaired two invited sessions on "Artificial Intelligence / Logic and Optimization," which were part of a cluster of invited sessions on Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming, during the Operations Research/Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in San Francisco, CA, November 1-4, 1992.

  8. Organized and chaired an invited session on the "Use of Mathematical Programming in Logic," which was part of a cluster of invited sessions on Decision Support Systems, during the Operations Research/Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, in May 12-15, 1991.

  9. Organized and chaired an invited session on "Fuzzy Sets and Applications," which was part of a cluster of invited sessions on Decision Support Systems, during the Operations Research/Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, in May 12-15, 1991.

  10. Organized and chaired (with A.L. Soyster) an invited session on "Recent Applications of Mathematical Programming in Expert Systems Development," during the 8th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Program Chair: C. Negoita, City University of New York, NY, June 11-15, 1990.

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